Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Levon Helms For a New Generation

This video is awesome. Levon Helms is the former drummer of The Band. His voice is an icon of American music. When he sings, I am reminded of the American Heartland. This short film features songs from Helms' 2007 comeback album, Dirt Farmer. Helms battled and beat throat cancer in the 90's. His vocal chords were severely damaged during that time, and his once chilling voice was replaced by a quiet rasp. Helms began singing again in 2004 at "The Midnight Ramble Sessions," concerts featuring a variety of guest musicians held regularly at Helms' home and studio in Woodstock, New York. In February 2008, Dirt Farmer won the Grammy for Best Traditional Folk Album, showing that nothing short of death will keep Helms from singing and playing the drums, and thank god. May he continue to get the respect he deserves.

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